Suspecting your mate of having an affair can be a very emotionally overwhelming experience. To be sure of anything you need facts. Rajdhani Detective Agency. & Services will investigate the suspicious activity, helping you attain the truth you need to make important decisions in your life. There are so many marital alliances developing problems due to suspected activities or adultery by the spouse and it becomes impossible to living together and they may occurs some serious problems like separation and court cases for divorce. We conduct premarital verifications to answer any questions you may have before marriage. This service is highly recommended to couples who have met their future spouse on any internet dating service.


Post matrimonial investigations services by Rajdhani Detective Agency. & Services include documentation of all places visited and identification of all people met by the spouse besides also the provision of video and photos of them. The Rajdhani Detective Agency. & Services investigation report may include a video documentation to support the investigation results also. Rajdhani Detective Agency. & Services Post matrimonial investigation services also encompass presentation of evidence and testifying in a court if required when the doubts and charges are proved true and infidelity is confirmed.

We specialize in helping clients that reside in India that have long distance relationships with partners. We offer our client the option to know who they are dealing with, it may be someone they have fallen in love with or just someone they really like and want to care for but are not sure of the honesty’s and loyalties. We give a clear graph of characteristics of the person who’s being honey trapped. It gives a transparent idea that whether a person is loyal and trustworthy or not. It makes life vital decision easy to divorce or marriage.

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